Corporate business climate is subject to constant change in our times.
It is sometimes in our favor, but, it is not for most of the time. Nonetheless, one common quality of strong
corporations is such that they do not give in to turbulent times but grow steadfastly.
It is a daunting task to adapt to abrupt changes in external conditions and the difficulties mount all the more
if such changes are accelerating over time. It is desirable, but, definitely not easy to react promptly to individual
challenges in sync with the rhythm of change.
That is where one's real capability really shines. A combination of steadfastness and commitment not wavering
in the face of intensifying challenges is central to a sustainable corporation.
Halla has set a standard in corporate management with frontier spirit and integrity. We will go on without succumbing
to external challenges as we have to date. We will continue to defy complacency but to do our best to do our share
of contribution to our community and win the support of people.